Dear Michael,

It is great to hear from you and very encouraging to see your interest! And thank you for recommending some of the contact points. I believe Nicolas has already come over and give us a presentation a while ago on SBML:)

It's a pity that we'll have to miss you in today's call, but this is the first one that we start to explore the problem in a more technical sense. More for sure will come.

Our next meeting will be on June 6. Hope you or your colleagues can make it. looks a very relevant and interesting event. If you can make next call, will be really nice to get some updates from you on the meeting:)

As always, we take minutes and I'll make sure that they are circulated on the list after the call.



On 23/05/2012 12:49, Michael Hucka wrote:

I've been meaning to introduce myself to the Systems Biology Task Force for 
some time, and I apologize for taking so long.  As one of the creators of SBML 
and several other community standardization efforts, as well as having help 
start BioModels Database itself, you can imagine the topic of this call is very 
interesting to me :-).  I'd very much like to be in on this call, but 
unfortunately can't make it this time because nearly all of us involved in SBML 
and BioModels Database are tied up with the annual COMBINE/HARMONY hackathon 
( ) this week.

Will any notes or other materials be made available after the HCLS call?

I really, really welcome any and all questions and comments about anything 
related to SBML and related areas.  Wolfram and Edda's groups would undoubtedly 
likewise be interested in any questions related to semanticSBML too, as would 
Nicolas Le Novère's group for BioModels Database.  Please don't hesitate to 
contact me or the others now or in the future.

Thank you for your interest in SBML, and I hope the call is constructive and 
leads to greater interactions in the future!

Best regards,
Mike Hucka, Ph.D. -- --
Computing and Mathematical Sciences, California Institute of Technology,
Pasadena, California, USA -- Twitter: @mhucka -- Skype: michaelhucka

On Tue, 22 May 2012 14:27:12 +0100, Jun Zhao wrote:
Dear all,

I am helping Lena to chair tomorrow's call because she is tied up
with travel plans.

Tomorrow we are planning to learn more about the MAPK pathway by
looking into the BioModels database, and how to align related models
using approaches like Semantic SBML or others.

Agenda below:

Meeting:      HCLS System Biology
Date:         May 23, 2012
Frequency:    Every other Wednesday
Convener:     Jun Zhao
Dial-In #:    +1.617.761.6200 (Cambridge, MA)
VoIP address:
Participant   Access Code: 4257 ("HCLS")
IRC Channel: port 6665 channel #HCLS
IRC Web:


* (Semantic) alignment of SysBio Model related to MAPK pathways
* See also:
** BioModels Database:
** Semantic SBML:

Hope to see as many of you as possible. Come to help!



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