Hi all,

As someone speaking purely from the kinetic modeling side, I have to admit that 
there seems to be a quite a big chasm between 'traditional systems biology' (if 
it has existed for a long enough period to be called that ;)) and the semantic 
approach. This being said, I really looked forward to yesterdays session as  it 
touched on the interesting and practical application of model alignment, but 
alas, I could not get my audio via the dial in. I guess many must have asked 
why were not using skype, so I wont, but Mark's mail has prompted me to do more 
digging and I finally got round to downloading a voip client that can dial sip 
addresses (holding thumbs for next time).

Franco du Preez

On 24 May 2012, at 5:18 PM, Mark wrote:

> Hi all SysBio'ers!
> I know it isn't really my place to be saying anything, but... when has that 
> ever stopped me ;-)
> The last conference call was... odd?...  and while Jun's extraordinary 
> efforts to keep it moving forward were greatly appreciated (!!  well done !!) 
> I think it might be worth having a very open discussion about what our 
> expectations are from this group, since it was a fairly small group and 
> apparently with a wide range of experience and expertise.
> From what I could hear, there were four "tiers" of expertise in the group.  
> Starting from the bottom:
> 1)  People like me, who know nothing at all beyond that the SysBio/Modeling 
> community have worked hard on putting together standards and technologies 
> that are bearing fruit; and that I (as a mere potential user of the tech) 
> need to become MUCH more aware of what they're doing in order to successfully 
> pursue my own research interests.  So... I'm the ultimate lurker on the call.
> 2)  People like Erich, who know *a lot* about what's going on in the field 
> (because this is their company's business!) but, as a vendor, isn't going to 
> be the first one to speak in a call like this because it might come-off 
> sounding like a sales-pitch.  He's likely interested in both how the 
> technology is evolving (to ensure their products stay current) as well as 
> listening to the needs of the community (so that their products stay 
> relevant), but I don't expect him to lead the discussion if for no other 
> reason than he's simply too polite to "take-over"  :-)
> 3)  People like Jun, who has put in a lot of time learning what's out there, 
> has a deep and genuine interest, and wants to discuss the pro's and con's of 
> the various pieces at some level of detail with people who have at least 
> tried to use it.  (...but there weren't many! ...so she was speaking to 
> herself most of the time...)
> 4)  The full experts in the domain, most of whom were not able to make the 
> call, unfortunately.  And I don't say that in any way as an accusation, but 
> rather, looking forward, I see a potential "boredom problem", which is what I 
> think needs to be discussed.  At least one of the domain experts who did 
> attend, left the call mid-chat on the basis that it was "too simplistic" 
> (exact quote from IRC)... so if we don't find a way to engage you, the 
> experts, we might be in for some disappointing meetings!
> What I'd like to ask the SysBio community - especially category (4), since it 
> seems to me that they are the critical ones to have on these calls, is:  
> "what can WE (1), (2), (3) do to make these calls as useful to you as they 
> will be to us?"  I understand that you're probably already talking to each 
> other, since this field is your "baby", and thus these calls have the 
> potential to offer you little benefit beyond your existing email (etc.) 
> chats!  ...So... what can we do, as the broader-community, to provide 
> value/feedback/etc. that would ensure we all - experts and noobs alike - get 
> something useful out of this group and enjoy and value the hour that we spend 
> together every couple of weeks?
> If I'm speaking out-of-turn, please flame me :-)  I can take it!  LOL! I just 
> want to see this group succeed, and I am willing to stick my neck out to see 
> if I can help!
> :-)===={
>   ^^^
>  my neck
> Best wishes all!
> Mark

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