Hello David,

I think life sciences have been early adopters for a while so this may
be a bit of preaching to the converted :-) 

Not a single word about privacy and dangers in the position statement ? 


Michael Brunnbauer

On Fri, Jun 07, 2013 at 01:03:17PM -0400, David Booth wrote:
> FYI, there is an excellent article on SemanticWeb.com about the workshop 
> held this week at the SemTech conference, on "RDF as a Universal 
> Healthcare Exchange Language", which culminated in a position statement 
> called the "Yosemite Manifesto":
> http://goo.gl/eibDL
> Here is the manifesto itself:
> http://goo.gl/mBUrZ
> [[
> Yosemite Manifesto on RDF as a Universal Healthcare Exchange Language
> 1. RDF is the best available candidate for a universal healthcare 
> exchange language.
> 2. Electronic healthcare information should be exchanged in a format 
> that either: (a) is an RDF format directly; or (b) has a standard 
> mapping to RDF.
> 3. Existing standard healthcare vocabularies, data models and exchange 
> languages should be leveraged by defining standard mappings to RDF, and 
> any new standards should have RDF representations.
> 4. Government agencies should mandate or incentivize the use of RDF as a 
> universal healthcare exchange language.
> 5. Exchanged healthcare information should be self-describing, using 
> Linked Data principles, so that each concept URI is de-referenceable to 
> its free and open definition.
> ]]
> Anyone who wants may add their name to the list of signatories:
> http://goo.gl/mBUrZ
> (Please do!)  And please pass it on, tweet it, google+ it, FaceBook it, 
> etc.  With enough visibility, maybe we can get the right attention to 
> make this happen and make a difference in healthcare!
> David Booth

++  Michael Brunnbauer
++  netEstate GmbH
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++  Geschäftsführer: Michael Brunnbauer, Franz Brunnbauer
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