Oops. http://www.rustprivacy.org/2013/egov/catalog/DataDotGovMetaTagSoup.html
should be MetaTagSoup

 From: Gannon Dick <gannon_d...@yahoo.com>
To: Michael Miller <michael.mil...@systemsbiology.org>; KANZAKI Masahide 
<mkanz...@gmail.com>; John Erickson <olyerick...@gmail.com> 
Cc: Bernadette Hyland <bhyl...@3roundstones.com>; W3C public GLD WG WG 
<public-gld...@w3.org>; Linked Data community <public-...@w3.org>; egov-ig 
mailing list <public-egov...@w3.org>; HCLS <public-semweb-lifesci@w3.org> 
Sent: Tuesday, July 2, 2013 4:20 PM
Subject: Re: Linked Data Glossary is published!

I agree Michael, but if you'll excuse the expression, I think we are arguing 
Datasets often have domain specific names for meta data components.
For example, Data Dot Gov has ~44 terms-of-art.  They are to organizational 
outsiders, tag soup, to organizational insiders they are a flexible ontology 
looking thingy (you have to squint).
(directions: push the button)
  A URI is a right directed graph, the left-most component of which is a 
transport protocol but it is also the root node of XML documents (a destination 
Port) - below and to the right they speak the domain's language.

 From: Michael Miller <michael.mil...@systemsbiology.org>
To: KANZAKI Masahide <mkanz...@gmail.com>; John Erickson 
Cc: Bernadette Hyland <bhyl...@3roundstones.com>; W3C public GLD WG WG 
<public-gld...@w3.org>; Linked Data community <public-...@w3.org>; egov-ig 
mailing list <public-egov...@w3.org>; HCLS <public-semweb-lifesci@w3.org> 
Sent: Tuesday, July 2, 2013 10:23 AM
Subject: RE: Linked Data Glossary is published!

hi all, 
XML takes on many levels of machine readability.  i would argue that if XML 
came with an DTD/XML schema it is at least 3 star and possibly 4 star.  that at 
least was my experience with MAGE- ML (i'd say 3 star) and the clinical XML for 
the TCGA project (4 star) 
Michael Miller
Software Engineer 
Institute for Systems Biology
From:KANZAKI Masahide [mailto:mkanz...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Monday, July 01, 2013 7:19 PM
To: John Erickson
Cc: Bernadette Hyland; W3C public GLD WG WG; Linked Data community; egov-ig 
mailing list; HCLS
Subject: Re: Linked Data Glossary is published! 

Hello John, thanks for reply, very much appreciated.

2013/7/2 John Erickson <olyerick...@gmail.com> 
Thus, I think we should distinguish between "plain old XML" and Office
Open XML/OOXML/OpenXML; based on my understanding and what I read <>
OpenXML could be listed as an example three-star format. 

Well, that's true. I hope this distinction will be incorporated into this 
glossary, rather simply showing "XML" as 2-stars example (which is misleading 
not only for me, but also for others around me). 

* I think the POINT is that the data should be published in a way
>suited for machine consumption. A format should NOT be considered
>"machine readable" simply because someone cooked up a hack on
>Scraperwiki for getting the data out of an otherwise opaque data dump
>on a site

Yes, it is desirable that data is published for machine "consumption" in Linked 
Data space, though my point was that the term "Machine Readable" is too general 
to be redefined for LD perspective.  

* The argument against having a separate term is simply that
>(arguably) the common case for publishing "machine readable" data *is*
>structured data, and adding the a special "structured" category merely
>confuses adopters.
>* The argument for a new term is, if the reason we want "machine
>readable data" is because we expect (and usually get) structured data,
>then we should specify that what we REALLY want is "machine readable
>structured data..." (and explain what that means)

Well, "machine readable" data is *not necessarily* structured in general, so 
the second argument seems more reasonable, although I'm not arguing to add 
separate term, rather, thinking it is not good idea to redefine term "machine 
readable" just for a specific community. 

Thank you very much for the discussion.


@prefix : <http://www.kanzaki.com/ns/sig> . <> :from [:name
"KANZAKI Masahide"; :nick "masaka"; :email "mkanz...@gmail.com"]. 

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