On 7/24/13 7:21 PM, Ray Fergerson wrote:

I think that I may have conveyed the wrong impression in my previous
message. We are not revising our API primarily to better support LOD. We
are implementing the BioPortal backend to use a triple-store. We are doing
this work for a variety of reasons. As part of this backend work we are
revising our REST API to be more regular, consistent, and properly
REST-full. Since we are doing all of this work anyway, we are also trying
to make sure that the revised system works better for linked data access
where it makes sense for us to do so. This includes:

1) a public SPARQL endpoint
2) dereferencable URI's
3) content negotiation, and
4) REST access to all resources


Okay! That's a lot clearer :-)


-----Original Message-----
From: Kingsley Idehen [mailto:kide...@openlinksw.com]
Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2013 4:28 PM
To: public-semweb-lifesci@w3.org
Subject: Re: Bioontology.org and Linked Data?

On 7/23/13 6:51 PM, Ray Fergerson wrote:
Yes you are correct that our existing REST API does not support the LOD
model very well. Our new API, still in alpha, should be much better in
this respect. The draft alpha documentation for this is often available

If you implement Linked Data principles you would actually get more out
of this entire endeavor for a fraction of the costs.

I've just looked through your API and I can't understand why you are
taking this route. It's too much work for too little gain, in a nutshell.

You can publish Linked Data and control its access using authentication
protocols that also leverage Linked Data. The same applies to CRUD
operations too :-)


-----Original Message-----
From: Kingsley Idehen [mailto:kide...@openlinksw.com]
Sent: Monday, July 22, 2013 9:10 AM
Subject: Bioontology.org and Linked Data?


I continue to struggle with the notion that Bioontology.org is a point
of presence on the Web for Linked Data. The URIs associated with this
data space don't adhere to Linked Data principles as far as I can tell.


Vapour Analysis:



CURL dump:

curl -IL http://purl.bioontology.org/ontology/SNOMEDCT
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Kingsley Idehen 
Founder & CEO
OpenLink Software
Company Web: http://www.openlinksw.com
Personal Weblog: http://www.openlinksw.com/blog/~kidehen
Twitter/Identi.ca handle: @kidehen
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