Hi Matthias,
Congratulation. Good work.
In the paper,  you have mentioned about the conversion of dbSNP to RDF. I
haven't seen dbSNP on the list of the converted datasets under Bio2RDF
project. I am also struggling to convert dbSNP to RDF. Could you tell me
where can I find the RDF verison of dbSNP or Can I access to the script
written for conversion if there is any?
Thanks in advance,


2013/8/26 Matthias Samwald <matthias.samw...@meduniwien.ac.at>

> **
> I have to correct myself. The link on rpi.edu (probably uploaded by
> Joanne) points to a draft of the paper. I uploaded the final version of the
> paper to
> http://samwald.info/res/samwald_medinfo2013_final.pdf
> Sorry,
> Matthias
> Tom Morris wrote:
> > Any links to the paper/presentation?  Are these them?
> > http://tw.rpi.edu/media/2013/03/14/2b0f/Medinfo2013_JSL.pdf

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