
Would you say more about 1.
Regarding 2, 

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On Sep 3, 2013, at 2:50 AM, Kerstin Forsberg <> 

> Hi Eric,
> Thanks for the link to the RIM RDF tutorial, will read with great interest. 
> I'll not able to join tomorrow. Two thoughts re. mappings. 

> - How to align this with the interest in getting RDF (SKOS) versions directly 
> from source (eg we have a good interaction with MedDRA MSSO about this).


> - Mapping provenance
> The justification and attribution of the mappings (between concept/terms) are 
> key to trust them.

I wasn't able to be at ICBO this year, so thanks for mentioning this (below)
These are both excellent suggestions. Are the mutually exclusive?
Is it possible to do/have/support/utilize both Nanopublications and Open PHACTS?

I am not able to make the meeting this morning - scheduling conflict.


Kind regards,

> At the ICBO conference earlier this summer we discussed the idea of turning 
> for example the mappings in the Bioportal into Nanopublications based on some 
> great work by Jim McCusker. So that the Bioportal mappings stated as 
> skos:closeMatch also would have the justification of them as being the 
> results of using the LOOM lexical algorithm. An alternative would be to treat 
> mappings as linksets as done by Open PHACTS and provide the justification for 
> the links/mappings (between entities) as part of the linkset description in 
> VoID. Alasdair Gray is working on a nice proposal 1) on this based on the W3C 
> HCLS task force for dataset discovery and description that Michel lead.
> 1) Open PHACTS’s Dataset description specification
> Regards
> Kerstin
> On 3 sep 2013, at 07:39, Eric Prud'hommeaux <> wrote:
>> Emory proposed that we meet tomorrow at 7:30am US Eastern to make
>> progress on shared terminology mappings. That's 4:30 for west-coasters
>> so if anyone's attending from there, we can split the call into
>> 30 mins on term mapping when Emory can make it and
>> 30 minutes on outreach material at the regular time 3.5 hours later.
>> Please reply with scheduling constraints and I'll do my best to
>> accomodate.
>> minutes of prior meetings:
>> proposed agenda:
>> updates on collab between TAPS and SALUS on sharing terminology mappings
>>  [Conor, Gökçe, Emory]
>> education/outreach material, e.g.
>>  more stuff from SMART
>> Please RSVP so I can get a head count for the bridge reservation.
>> Call will be from 11:30-12:30 UTC (07:30 EDT) (13:30 CET)
>> using the Zakim Bridge: +1.617.761.6200, with
>> Conference Code: 4257 ("HCLS")
>> For text, we will use the IRC channel #hcls on port 6665.
>> Please try out <> if you don't have an IRC client.
>> -- 
>> -ericP

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