On 12/18/13 11:53 AM, Jiang, Guoqian, M.D., Ph.D. wrote:
Hi, Oktie,

Thanks much for your note. The LinkedCT is a very nice RDF dataset for ClinicalTrials.gov and we have explored it a little bit, which as you pointed out contains a subset of UK clinical trials. We were wondering whether there is a comprehensive dataset available for the UK trials.

BTW, do you have a schema available for the LinkedCT dataset?



Collection of links showcasing this data from our LOD Cloud cache:

Faceted Browsing:

[1] http://bit.ly/1i77YlD -- Count of Trials by Responsible Party
[2] http://bit.ly/1bVsPQf -- Count of Trials by Study Type
[3] http://bit.ly/1bVs89K -- ditto by Month/Year
[4] http://bit.ly/1bVredd -- ditto by Country.

SPARQL Query Results Pages (clicking on solution URIs takes you to the original dataset's data space):

[1] http://bit.ly/1i73xqR -- 50 Entity Types from the Clinical Trials Dataset (scoped to its own Named Graph)
[2] http://bit.ly/1bVqkxn -- 50 Conditions form the Clinical Trials Dataset.


From: Oktie Hassanzadeh <ok...@cs.toronto.edu <mailto:ok...@cs.toronto.edu>>
Date: Tuesday, December 17, 2013 4:04 PM
To: "Jiang, Guoqian, M.D., Ph.D." <jiang.guoq...@mayo.edu <mailto:jiang.guoq...@mayo.edu>> Cc: "public-semweb-lifesci@w3.org <mailto:public-semweb-lifesci@w3.org>" <public-semweb-lifesci@w3.org <mailto:public-semweb-lifesci@w3.org>>
Subject: Re: Clinical Trails Datasets in UK

Hi Guoqian,

At least a subset (or perhaps the majority) of the trials performed in the U.K. are registered on ClinicalTrials.gov as well and as a result can be found on LinkedCT http://linkedct.org which provides RDF. You can download an RDF dump of the data at: http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~oktie/linkedct <http://www.cs.toronto.edu/%7Eoktie/linkedct>

I searched for the ID of a few trials found through the search services you have listed in your email and was able to find them on LinkedCT.


Oktie Hassanzadeh
ok...@cs.toronto.edu <mailto:ok...@cs.toronto.edu>
http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~oktie <http://www.cs.toronto.edu/%7Eoktie>

On Tue, Dec 17, 2013 at 4:36 PM, Jiang, Guoqian, M.D., Ph.D. <jiang.guoq...@mayo.edu <mailto:jiang.guoq...@mayo.edu>> wrote:

    A colleague of mine is interested in looking at the clinical
    trials in UK. I understand that there are a number of data search
    portal available.




    Do you happen to know whether this kind of clinical trial datasets
    are publicly available for download, ideally in RDF?

    Best regards,




Kingsley Idehen 
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