Apologies for cross-posting, 

Participants are invited to the WWW’14 tutorial on Concept-Level Sentiment 
Analysis, which will be held within the World Wide Web conference this April in 
Seoul, Korea. The tutorial aims to provide its participants means to 
efficiently design models, techniques, tools, and services for concept-level 
sentiment analysis and their commercial realizations. The tutorial draws on 
insights resulting from the recent IEEE Intelligent Systems special issues on 
Concept-Level Opinion and Sentiment Analysis and the IEEE CIM special issue on 
Computational Intelligence for Natural Language Processing. The tutorial 
includes a hands-on session to illustrate how to build a concept-level 
opinion-mining engine step-by-step, from semantic parsing to concept-level 


As the Web rapidly evolves, Web users are evolving with it. In an era of social 
connectedness, people are becoming increasingly enthusiastic about interacting, 
sharing, and collaborating through social networks, online communities, blogs, 
Wikis, and other online collaborative media. In recent years, this collective 
intelligence has spread to many different areas, with particular focus on 
fields related to everyday life such as commerce, tourism, education, and 
health, causing the size of the Social Web to expand exponentially.

The distillation of knowledge from such a large amount of unstructured 
information, however, is an extremely difficult task, as the contents of 
today’s Web are perfectly suitable for human consumption, but remain hardly 
accessible to machines. The opportunity to capture the opinions of the general 
public about social events, political movements, company strategies, marketing 
campaigns, and product preferences has raised growing interest both within the 
scientific community, leading to many exciting open challenges, as well as in 
the business world, due to the remarkable benefits to be had from marketing and 
financial market prediction.

Mining opinions and sentiments from natural language, however, is an extremely 
difficult task as it involves a deep understanding of most of the explicit and 
implicit, regular and irregular, syntactical and semantic rules proper of a 
language. Existing approaches mainly rely on parts of text in which opinions 
and sentiments are explicitly expressed such as polarity terms, affect words 
and their co-occurrence frequencies. However, opinions and sentiments are often 
conveyed implicitly through latent semantics, which make purely syntactical 
approaches ineffective.

Concept-level sentiment analysis focuses on a semantic analysis of text through 
the use of web ontologies or semantic networks, which allow the aggregation of 
conceptual and affective information associated with natural language opinions. 
By relying on external knowledge, such approaches step away from blind use of 
keywords and word co-occurrence count, but rather rely on the implicit features 
associated with natural language concepts. Unlike purely syntactical 
techniques, concept-based approaches are able to detect also sentiments that 
are expressed in a subtle manner, e.g., through the analysis of concepts that 
do not explicitly convey any emotion, but which are implicitly linked to other 
concepts that do so. The bag-of-concepts model can represent semantics 
associated with natural language much better than bags-of-words. In the 
bag-of-words model, in fact, a concept such as cloud computing would be split 
into two separate words, disrupting the semantics of the input sentence (in 
which, for example, the word cloud could wrongly activate concepts related to 

The analysis at concept-level allows for the inference of semantic and 
affective information associated with natural language text and, hence, enables 
comparative fine-grained feature-based sentiment analysis. Rather than 
gathering isolated opinions about a whole item (e.g., iPhone5), users are 
generally more interested in comparing different products according to specific 
features (e.g., iPhone5’s vs Galaxy S3’s touchscreen), or even sub-features 
(e.g., fragility of iPhone5’s vs Galaxy S3’s touchscreen). In this context, the 
construction of comprehensive common and common-sense knowledge bases is key 
for feature-spotting and polarity detection, respectively. Common-sense, in 
particular, is necessary to properly deconstruct natural language text into 
sentiments – for example, to appraise the concept small room as negative for a 
hotel review and small queue as positive for a post office, or the concept go 
read the book as positive for a book review but negative for a movie review.


• Introduction (5 mins)

• New Avenues in Sentiment Analysis Research
        - From Heuristics to Discourse Structure (5 mins)
        - From Coarse to Fine-Grained Analysis (5 mins)
        - From Keywords to Concepts (10 mins)

• Concept-Level Models
        - Knowledge acquisition models (10 mins)
        - Emotion categorization models (10 mins)
        - Vector space models (10 mins)

• Concept-Level Techniques
        - Analogical reasoning (10 mins)
        - Parallel analogy (10 mins)
        - Spreading activation (10 mins)

• Concept-Level Tools
        - Sentiment resources (15 mins)
        - Common knowledge repositories (15 mins)
        - Aspect mining and polarity detection (10 mins)

• Building a Concept-Level Opinion-Mining Engine
        - Semantic parsing (15 mins)
        - Sentic API (15 mins)
        - Application Samples (20 mins)

• Conclusion (5 mins)


The World Wide Web Conference is a global event bringing together key 
researchers, innovators, decision-makers, technologists, and business experts 
trying to make meaning out of Web data. Within this research and business area, 
opinion mining and sentiment analysis have become increasingly important 
subtasks in recent years. However, there are still many challenges, including 
social information understanding and integration, that need to be addressed. 
For these reasons, a tutorial on concept-level sentiment analysis is strongly 
relevant to WWW’14.


The target audience includes researchers and professionals in the fields of 
sentiment analysis, Web data mining, and related areas. The tutorial also aims 
to attract researchers from industry community as it covers research efforts 
for the development of applications in fields such as commerce, tourism, 
education, and health. The audience is expected to have basic computer science 
skills, but psychologists and sociologists are also very welcome. The tutorial 
not only covers state-of-the-art approaches to concept-level sentiment 
analysis, but also provides information about techniques and tools to be used 
for practical opinion mining.


Erik Cambria received his BEng and MEng with honors in Electronic Engineering 
from the University of Genova, in 2005 and 2008 respectively. In 2011, he has 
been awarded a PhD in Computing Science and Mathematics, following the 
completion of an industrial Cooperative Awards in Science and Engineering 
(CASE) research project, funded by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences 
Research Council (EPSRC), which was born from the collaboration between the 
University of Stirling and the MIT Media Laboratory.

Today, Erik is the lead investigator of a MINDEF-funded project on Commonsense 
Knowledge Representation & Reasoning at the National University of Singapore 
(Temasek Laboratories) and an associate researcher at the MIT Media Laboratory 
(Synthetic Intelligence Project). His interests include AI, Semantic Web, KR, 
NLP, opinion mining and sentiment analysis, affective and cognitive modeling, 
intention awareness, HCI, and e-health. Erik is also chair of several 
international conferences, e.g., Extreme Learning Machines (ELM), and workshop 
series, e.g., ICDM SENTIRE. He is on the editorial board of Springer Cognitive 
Computation and he is a guest editor of many other leading AI journals. Erik is 
also a fellow of the Brain Sciences Foundation, the Chinese Academy of 
Sciences, National Taiwan University, Microsoft Research Asia, and HP Labs 

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