We are pleased to announce the upcoming Protein Ontology Workshop at Georgetown 
University in Washington DC on June 18-19, 2014.  Please forward this 
announcement to interested colleagues.

The goals of this meeting are:

1. To contribute to the ontological understanding of phenotype and disease
across organisms.

2. To advance the treatment of protein-related clinical and translational
data from the perspective of consistency, discoverability and support for

Presentations will include:

Cathy Wu (Delaware/Georgetown): Current Status and Future Goals of the
Protein Ontology10:30 Break

Peter d'Eustachio (NYU): PRO, Reactome and Disease Pathways

Evan Bolton (NCBI) PubChemRDF: Towards a Semantic Description of PubChem

Lynn Schriml (Baltimore): Collaboration of PRO and PubChem with the Disease

John Westbrook (Protein Data Bank): PRO Represention of Proteins Observed
in 3D Experimental Structure

Alexander Diehl (Buffalo): PRO and the NIF / ImmPort Antibody Registries

A special session will be devoted to the interoperation of PRO and UniProt.

- The Protein Ontology Consortium
- National Center for Biomedical Ontology
- National Center for Ontological Research

There is no participation fee. Intending participants are invited to
contact Barry Smith <phism...@buffalo.edu> for further information.

Schedule and logistics details are provided
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