REMINDER: Tomorrow (Oct 7) Mehmet will give a demo of his work on "Healthcare data Interoperability Project within CCF Clinical Investigation department".

On 09/26/2014 05:29 PM, David Booth wrote:
Agenda for Tuesday 30-Sep-2014:

1. Mehmet Aydar will present his work on "Healthcare data
Interoperability Project within CCF Clinical Investigation department"

2. Other?

   > Tuesdays, 11:00am Eastern US (Boston) time zone
   > Zakim (W3C teleconference bridge).
   > Dial-In #: _+1.617.761.6200_ <tel:%2B1.617.761.6200> (Cambridge, MA)
   > VoIP address: _sip:zakim@voip.w3.org_ <>
   > Participant Access Code: 4257 ("HCLS")
   > IRC: _irc.w3.org_ <> port 6665 channel #HCLS


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