Hi Joachim,

On 27 Oct 2014, at 18:04, Joachim Baran 
<joachim.ba...@gmail.com<mailto:joachim.ba...@gmail.com>> wrote:


  I am sorry to say that I will no longer be able to act as an editor on the 
HCLS Dataset Descriptions Community Profile.

It is a shame to see you step down from this role.

  I had fun acting as an editor and it was great seeing how far the document 
has come over the past months. I am sure that it will soon be finalized and 
that it will have a lasting impact within the data driven community. These are 
truly exciting times!


  I took the liberty of moving my name from the editors to the contributors 
list myself, which I hope is agreeable to everyone.

I would vote to leave your name in the editor role given all the work that you 
have put in to date. We are hopefully in the final stages now.


Best wishes,


Alasdair J G Gray
Lecturer in Computer Science, Heriot-Watt University, UK.
Email: a.j.g.g...@hw.ac.uk<mailto:a.j.g.g...@hw.ac.uk>
Web: http://www.alasdairjggray.co.uk
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Twitter: @gray_alasdair

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