We might want to record a couple of issues around the points that were raised on today's call, to ensure that we track and address them:
ISSUE: If non-FHIR data is added to some FHIR RDF data, what should happen to that extra information when converting back to FHIR XML/JSON?

ISSUE: How should the FHIR RDF handle instance data that is invalid according to a profile with which it is tagged, given that some recipients may still choose to process that data? (If it is merely treated as a logical inconsistency by a reasoner then that may interfere with the ability to usefully reason in other ways about the data.)


On 12/30/2014 02:30 PM, David Booth wrote:
On today's teleconference we briefly discussed the potential for using
JSON-LD for FHIR instance data, so that the same serialization could be
processed both as regular JSON and as RDF.  Lloyd believes that if we
able to achieve this merely by the addition of an @context link, then it
could become a part of the standard FHIR JSON serialization.  David
Booth and Scott Marshall offered to investigate the potential use of
JSON-LD for this purpose.  Others are invited also.

We then discussed draft FHIR ontology requirements (#1 and #3)
There was general agreement about #3 (the need for round tripping), but
discussion about whether to merge #1 and #3, and whether and RDF
representation could be allowed to carry more information than a FHIR
XML/JSON representation.

There was also discussion about what should happen if FHIR instance data
is tagged with a profile, but that instance data is invalid according to
that profile.  Lloyd remarked that it would be invalid, but a recipient
may nonetheless choose to process it in some way, and this may
complicate the desired treatment in the RDF semantics (rather than
merely being treated as a logical inconsistency).

David requested specific proposals for wording changes to the draft
requirements, to help speed closure.

The complete log of the meeting:

Next week Frederik Malfait will review the PhUSE work.

David Booth

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