The minutes from the January 8 Widgets voice conference are available at the following and copied below:


WG Members - if you have any comments, corrections, etc., please send them to the public-webapps mail list before 15 January 2009 (the next Widgets voice conference); otherwise these minutes will be considered

-Regards, Art Barstow



                               - DRAFT -

                       Widgets Voice Conference

08 Jan 2009


[2] 2009JanMar/0033.html

   See also: [3]IRC log



          Art, Frederick, Mark, Claudio, Jere, Marcos, Doug, Mike, Josh





     * [4]Topics
         1. [5]Agenda review and tweak
         2. [6]Annoucements
         3. [7]R44. Support for Multiple Message Digest Algorithms
         4. [8]R45. Support for Multiple Signature Algorithms
         5. [9]R46 and R49
         6. [10]New Req proposal (5): add role of signer
         7. [11]Section 5. definitions
         8. [12]Section 9 and X509
         9. [13]P&C Last Call WD
        10. [14]AOB
     * [15]Summary of Action Items

   Date: 8 January 2009

   <scribe> ScribeNick: ArtB

   <scribe> Scribe: Art

Agenda review and tweak

   AB: agenda
   ... any change requests?

[16] 2009JanMar/0033.html



   AB: I don't have any widget-specific annoucments

   FH: XML Sec WG is having a f2f meeting next week
   ... we will look at sig properties
   ... if anyone wants to attend, please let me know
   ... Also, if we have any comments to discuss, I can make that happen
   ... I may be able to rearrange things if needed


[17] 0011.html

   AB: please notify FH if you want to take advantage of it

   MC: I may try to join

   AB: any other annoucements?


R44. Support for Multiple Message Digest Algorithms

   <fjh> +

   AB: FH thinks the requirement is unclear

   <arve> ArtB: as indicated, I'll be regretting

   FH: need to clarify the model
   ... this will effect validation

   MP: there may be a misunderstanding in what we are trying to achieve
   ... expect the sig to always be in the package

   <fjh> concerned how core validation can be meaningful if signature
   not with references, especially if using relative uris

   MP: [Mark describes some use cases that motiviated his comments]

   <fjh> this sounds like an implemention optimization, not sure it
   belongs in spec

   MP: I don't want to add complexity

   FH: sounds like some pre-caching
   ... I think we just want to say core validation is done via XML Sig

   MP: don't want the spec to preclude my use case
   ... agree we don't want to specify a separate delivery mechanism
   ... want to make sure the two major steps can be done in either

   AB: let's take the tech discussion to the public list

   MP: I will respond to the list with more details of the use case

R45. Support for Multiple Signature Algorithms

   AB: just need some clarification to SHA1 and SHA256

   FH: yes, we need some clarification here
   ... a separate issue is XML Sig 1.1

   AB: what is the status and roadmap for 1.1?

   FH: we are very close to FPWD for 1.1
   ... will be a topic for next week's f2f meeting
   ... I don't expect any major issues
   ... I think we can align the two specs
   ... I think best case in about 3-4 months to start the Candidate
   ... But we need to discuss this next week

   AB: so you expect 1.1 REC in 2009?

   FH: yes; definitely

   AB: any concerns about 1.1?

   MP: are there any other major diffs for 1.1 (besides algorithms)?

   <fjh> [18]


   FH: besides algorithms, SHA-256 migration is in scope
   ... we have some minor errata
   ... all major changes will be deferred to v2.0

   AB: propose we resolve XML Sign 1.1 will be the basis for our spec
   ... any objections to that proposal?

   MP: is it possible for this to hold up our spec?

   AB: based on what FH said, I think this won't be an issue

   DS: cannot go to REC if a normative reference is not a REC
   ... need a month for PR, month for CR, month for LC
   ... Given this, probably will take 4-5 months to get XML Sig to REC,
   perhaps a bit longer

   FH: the two specs could progress together

   AB: given where we are today, e.g. no tests, not in LC yet, I don't
   think we will be blocked by XML Sig 1.1
   ... Mark do you still have some concerns?

   MP: I don't have any concerns about using 1.1

   AB: any objections to using XML Sig 1.1?


   RESOLUTION: we resolve XML Sign 1.1 will be the basis for our spec

R46 and R49

   AB: the email on these shows there is agreement by Mark on FH's
   ... is that true?

   FH: yes

   MP: yes

   AB: please implement the proposed changes

New Req proposal (5): add role of signer

   AB: MP raised some questions about the use cases
   ... it wasn't clear to me how it would satisfied

   FH: the role could be used to clarify the distributor
   ... could use a signature property
   ... I don't think the author element is relevant here

   MP: if the roles are different it implies different processing

   <fjh> MP: different purposes for signing , signer vouching for
   trust, or update signature

   <fjh> MP: role of signature, not role of signer

   MP: think something like this is needed but is related to the 2nd
   requirement proposed

   <fjh> MP: usage might be better name

   FH: role and usage have been dealt with elsewhere
   ... usage is different than policy

   <fjh> define property in sig properties, values in widgets signature

   <fjh> MPupdate signature indicates update of package

   [Some discussions about the update mechanisms:
   [19] ]


   <fjh> requirment 5 should be usage instead of role

   AB: is there consensus to add req 5?

   MC: no, I need to consider this more

   FH: I tihink we need it

   MC: I want some time to think about this

   AB: how much time do you need Marcos?

   MC: one week

   MP: I will send an email by Monday

   AB: what about req 6?

   <fjh> suggest profile property with uri for signature spec

   MC: I'm OK with that proposal

   FH: req #8 provides a motivation about the Expires property

   MP: agree Expires property makes sense

   <fjh> issue of granularity of time stamps?

   MP: a concern I had is the text implies a short expiration period
   ... but I agree with the overall intent

   FH: I think we need to continue discussion on req #8
   ... could use something from Schema

   <fjh> suggest we use xsd:dateTime but need clarification of
   processing rules around comparisons

   <timeless> hello?

   AB: any last comments about FH's original email?


Section 5. definitions

   AB: who can help?

   FH: I can help but it isn't a high priority

Section 9 and X509

   FH: do we really need to define something here?

   AB: agree we should reference existing work if possible

   <fjh> MP: concern about interoperability related to optional

   MP: concerened about addressing some interop issues we've had in the
   mobile industry

   <fjh> MP: both for OCSP and CRLs

   MP: we could ref some existing specs
   ... not sure they meet all of our reqs
   ... Agree there is an open question on how much X509 processing we
   need to specify.

   AB: Mark, you will provide input on OCSP and CRLs


[20] 2009JanMar/0038.html


[21] 2009JanMar/0039.html

   AB: and contributors for 6.1 and 8?

   FH: I sent a proposal for 6.1 to the list earlier today
   ... I made a proposal for section 8 too

   <timeless> ack

   JS: there is a protocol for helping sort out a chain if something is
   ... Gecko has some new suport for this

P&C Last Call WD

   AB: which WG do we want to request feedback?

   MC: I18N WG
   ... WAI P&F
   ... MWBP

   <timeless> i think this is probably a related url,

[22] iel5/4221005/4224052/04224150.pdf?arnumber=4224150

   FH: XML Sec
   ... the P&C should just point at the Widgets DigSig spec

   MP: I think the P&C spec needs to address how to address handling
   more than one sig

   <fjh> should point to Widgets DigSIg spec since it handles
   properties etc


   AB: next call is Jan 15
   ... FH regrets already sent
   ... quick poll on Paris f2f attendance
   ... any definites?

   MP: yes

   AB: yes

   CV: most likely

   MC: I don't know

   <JereK> doubtful as of now

   AB: meeting adjourned

Summary of Action Items

   [End of minutes]

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