On 4/3/2011 11:20 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:
On Sat, 2 Apr 2011, Arthur Barstow wrote:
Perhaps subscribers to both lists (Mike Smith, Maciej, Hixie) could
provide some guidance on which list to use for Offline Web applications
(again, I'm OK with public-webapps) and which Bugzilla product/component
to use to file feature requests for Offline Web apps.
If one wants to send e-mail and be guaranteed a response, then the
wha...@whatwg.org list will be most effective.

If one wants to discuss the issue within the W3C context, then
public-h...@w3.org is the list most appropriate for the current spec text.

I'd prefer to see discussion continue on public-webapps . I'm not against cross posting.

"Offline" apps are the first and only instance of an 'installable' applications implementation across vendors.

At some point, I hope to see some discussion about an installation manifest,
for apps which require privileges across origins and/or other enhanced access.

This seems to be the direction things are going (from Google's Chrome):
<link rel="chrome-application-definition" href="arbitrary-manifest.json">

That scheme allows the author to provide a user with a choice, prior
to prompting them for permissions.

For an application vendor, that's mighty helpful, as some users reject:
"Do you want to grant this website access to EVERYTHING--or-it-will-not-work",
but accept: "Do you want to grant this website access to this one domain".

Google Chrome

Mozilla Firefox

Those two vendors are converging.

<link rel> seems more appropriate for icons. Apple is taking that route.

HTML manifest files seem appropriate for requesting same-origin exceptions,
which is part of why I'm keeping an eye on this thread.

Those .install() calls are still a good idea, as vendors have their own unique extensions and distribution mechanisms.

I don't expect to get background pages / content pages into a web apps spec any time soon. They're the same concept across Firefox/Chrome/Safari, but there are a lot of surrounding details.


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