On 1/9/14 10:57 PM, Ryosuke Niwa wrote:
Given that, we could maybe cheat and in fact do some sort of delayed calling of the 
constructor of ES6 subclasses of elements.  You'd still be able to observe these objects 
in an "unconstructed" state from the subclass pov, but at least it wouldn't be 
a security issue in terms of operating on a DOM that's in an inconsistent state from the 
point of view of privileged code.

Calling constructors after the tree had been constructed will be an issue 
because then you could access “unconstructed” nodes via nextSibling, 
parentNode, etc...

Right, I did say that above.  Is that really a problem in practice, though?

One idea that came out of our discussion is was to add an additional step in 
the parser to call constructors on all “pending” elements before they’re being 
constructed into the DOM tree.

Isn't that the bad thing we _don't_ want to do? That is, invoke arbitrary page JS from the middle of the parsing algorithm?

On the other hand, solving this seems to require running some author scripts at 
the element creation time, at some later time but before the node is inserted 
into the document.

The parser is expected to insert the nodes into the document pretty much immediately after creating them, no?


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