On 09/24/2014 09:51 AM, Brian Bouterse wrote:
> Even so, we should track the work for X and Y releases separately by creating 
> a 2.6-dev branch and letting master be 3.0. There really isn't a downside 
> except one additional merge, but I think it's worth it. The upside is we can 
> always check in work when we need to, where we need to, and allow X and Y 
> releases to mature until they are ready to be released. That seems worth the 
> cost of one additional merge. What do you think?

My hesitation is due to us not being sure whether there will be a 2.6
release. I'd prefer not to create 2.6 branches if we aren't going to
make a 2.6 release (i.e., if 3.0 is next). I'd prefer to wait it out and
see what happens first.

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