On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 22:30, Corey Osman <co...@logicminds.biz> wrote:
> Is it possible that the output from the api url returns malformed YAML
> code?  I have two YAML parsers that are choking on the same YAML
> output.

Yes, as we did have a bug that would generate incorrect YAML output in
some cases.  It should be fixed in the latest RC for 2.6.5, so if you
could retest for that – it was a subtle corruption of the output
stream, and a glitch injecting extra blank lines into some nested
arrays, hiding within each other.

Can you verify the problem still occurs with the latest RC, please, to
make sure we don't have more issues lingering there?  It seems highly
unlikely, but anything is possible.

> I loaded the YAML output into this parser and it returned with an error.

It would have been very helpful to know what that error was.

> If I take this line out from the top of the YAML output: --- !ruby/
> object:Puppet::Node::Facts
> and remove all other occurrences of "!" from lines like the following:
> !ruby/sym _timestamp: Fri Feb 18 00:33:19 EST 2011
> With these changes the yaml parser works fine.  However, there may be
> other characters that could fault the parser such as '&'.

Well, both of those characters are part of the explicit and specified
syntax of YAML, and should be quite legal.  The ! prefixed strings are
local tags, and the & and * prefixes are part of the reference syntax,
used to generate a correct object tree.

The presence of the later, though, suggests you might be seeing the
corruption or using an older version of the ZAML code that still
contains the issue.

⎋ Puppet Labs Developer – http://puppetlabs.com
✉ Daniel Pittman <dan...@puppetlabs.com>
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