Instead of always grabbing the full set of facts and only grabbing
those we're interested in, we attempt to look up every fact by the
"normal" means of "fact name == containing file name", and only fall
back to loading all of the facts if this fails to find any of the
facts we're looking for.

Paired-with: Max Martin <>
Signed-off-by: Jacob Helwig <>

Local-branch: tickets/master/7039-multiple-facts-same-file

Here's the proposed patch to potentially ease the overhead when asking
for specific facts.  The concern I have is that I didn't see any
caching of fact values, which would mean potentially re-evaluating the
facts that we'd already found in order to get a few that were missed
because of mis-matches between the fact name, and the file name that
contains it.

It seems like the options are:
  * Always evaluate all facts once.

  * Potentially evaluate some facts twice, if we were unable to find
    all facts by name.

I'm reluctant to add caching of fact values into Facter, given where I
suspect this would need to be added, and that Puppet uses it as a
library on the agent side (this seems like it would require changes on
the agent side for cache invalidation).

 lib/facter/application.rb |   16 +++++++++++-----
 1 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lib/facter/application.rb b/lib/facter/application.rb
index bd68149..9b0ba03 100644
--- a/lib/facter/application.rb
+++ b/lib/facter/application.rb
@@ -10,12 +10,8 @@ module Facter
       names = argv
       # Create the facts hash that is printed to standard out.
-      # Pre-load all of the facts, since we can have multiple facts
-      # per file, and since we can't know ahead of time which file a
-      # fact will be in, we'll need to load every file.
-      facts = Facter.to_hash
+      facts = {}
       unless names.empty?
-        facts = {}
         names.each do |name|
             facts[name] = Facter.value(name)
@@ -26,6 +22,16 @@ module Facter
+      # If names is empty, then we want all of the facts.  If all of
+      # the asked for names aren't in the facts hash, then it's likely
+      # that we were asked for a fact that doesn't match the filename
+      # it's stored in, so the autoloader couldn't find it.  In this
+      # case we just need to load all of the facts, since we have no
+      # way of figuring out which file it might be in.
+      if names.empty? || !names.all? { |n| facts[n] }
+        facts = Facter.to_hash
+      end
       # Print the facts as YAML and exit
       if options[:yaml]
         require 'yaml'

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