
I have ruby-1.9.2 with all the rubygems (from fedora15) needed to run
puppet 2.7.0rc.  http://rubyrepo.elctech.com/  2.7.0rc3 had a couple
errors so I added 2.7.0rc from git as of an hour ago.  In the past five
minutes is seems for work OK.

Is there a jenkins CI instance running against ruby 1.9.2?

I did see this error in my logs:

Jun  7 11:50:49 sysadmin puppet-agent[5152]:
(/Stage[main]/Puppetd/Tidy[/etc/puppet/auth.conf.rpmnew]) Tidying
Jun  7 11:50:50 sysadmin puppet-agent[5152]: Got an uncaught exception
of type NameError: uninitialized class variable @@scale in


 schedule { dailytidy:
    range => "9 - 13",
    period => daily,
    repeat => 1

  tidy { "/etc/puppet/auth.conf.rpmnew":
       schedule => 'dailytidy',
       age => '0s',
       backup => 'false',
  tidy { "/etc/puppet/puppet.conf.rpmnew":
       schedule => 'dailytidy',
       age => '0s',
       backup => 'false',

Christopher McCrory
To the optimist, the glass is half full.
To the pessimist, the glass is half empty.
To the engineer, the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.

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