Dan Bode wrote:
> I would prefer to not get back any schema if one is not specified. Not
> all users will want to create schemas, so this could wind up displaying
> unnecessary information.

Whereas I think exactly the opposite. :) Not everyone is going to have
schemas and functionality that consumes this data shouldn't have to rely
on a supplied schema. Seems like a sensible default behavior to me.

> I think having the schema exist in a separate file is the right approach
> ( maybe I am just used to that b/c that is how it was done in Java). It
> makes it easy for users to view the resources in a manifest without
> having to simultaneously digest the schema. I think this lowers the
> barrier for entry for new users getting started.

As long as the schema is documented, located somewhere sensible and easy
to integrate and troubleshoot I think a separate file works.



James Turnbull
Puppet Labs

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