Documentation bugs:

1. Wrong location for example passenger configuration file at
> Once Passenger is enabled, copy Dashboard’s example vhost from 
> ext/dashboard-vhost.conf

The file is actually in ext/passenger/dashboard-vhost.conf

2. Rake commands are run as root

Absolutely none of the rake commands need to be run as root, however the 
documentation shows most of them being run as root (hash prompt). In some 
cases, running the commands as root will cause file permissions to be wrong. 
And in general, never do anything as root you don't have to.

Packaging issues (on EL6):

A. The documented rake command to generate certs fails because 
/usr/share/puppet-dashboard/certs doesn't exist, and 
/usr/share/puppet-dashboard is owned by root.  I would either include the certs 
directory with the proper ownership, or have puppet-dashboard own the base 
directory.  Or at least update the documentation to mention you need to create 
these by hand.

B. Installation creates a default database.yml file for you, but not a default 
settings.yml (consistency?)

C. The shell is set to /sbin/nologin, but it's favorable to simply become the 
dashboard user and run the rake commands as that user.  I would make this 
clearer in the docs or provide a default shell.

D. dashboard-vhost.conf - the default SSL has no auth, and sets "AllowOverride 
None", which differs from the settings in the non-SSL version.

E. dashboard-vhost.conf -- The security issues for allowing direct access to 
report and upload are not documented.  The comments in the file indicate that 
/reports/upload comes from the master (ie would work if they are the 
same host) but this URL is actually called from each client directly, so that 
option won't work at all. The example should have a network IP and mask, and 
the comment shouldn't say "master"

Documentation improvements:

I would suspect a decent number of people will want to run their dashboard on 
the same server as the puppet master.  If so, rather than running the rake 
tasks to generate certs, it's simpler to copy the certs from $ssldir, or point 
directly at those files from here. I would document this idea.

Second, I believe that the proper apache configuration/security settings are a 
bit more obtuse than most users are prepared for. I would suggest that you ship 
a working apache configuration with tight security that only requires that they 
replace the local network mask, nodename, etc.  I know apache configuration 
quite well, and it was a bit of a struggle to get it working for HTTP 
submissions of reports, but HTTPS authentication of users accessing the console.

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : net philanthropy to improve open source and internet projects.

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