Brian Gallew:
> A cons cell isn't actually that hard to produce in Puppet: you can use
> a hash.  Each key is the member of the cell you want to keep, while
> the value is a throwaway.  

Sure.  I was actually talking about Nagios there, not Puppet.

> I'm not sure what you mean by deduplicating.  Puppet won't let you
> have duplicate *anything*, exported or not.  If you mean "filtering",
> that's doable, but any non-trivial filtering rule will require to you
> write evil Puppet functions that hook into the internals.  If you
> could provide us a reasonably detailed example, perhaps we could be of
> more help.

All right, let's say I have a nagios check that has a new hostgroup.  My
nagios configs fall out as a consequence of *use* to ensure that they
match the manifests 100%.  So there's a define in the foo::monitoring
class that updates the local NRPE configs and then exports:

        1. A request that a service exist, in a hostgroup provided, to
           probe this check over NRPE.
        2. A request that the provided hostgroup exist.
        3. A request that the host's server-side definition include
           membership in the provided hostgroup.

1. and 2. need to be unique globally.  3. only needs to be unique
per-host.  All would benefit from behaving like the invocation of a
class, or the resolution of notifies down to a single event.  Having
the ability to export "ensure X is Y" rather than "here is an X+Z=Y just
like thousands of others" would be helpful to me.

"Ill-informed qmail-bashing is better than no
qmail-bashing at all."
        --Don Marti

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