On Sun, May 17, 2020 at 7:16 AM Dietmar Maurer <diet...@proxmox.com> wrote:
> > Rather than failing, it would be nice to fall back to 'unmanaged' when
> > the ostype cannot be determined/found.
> Why exactly would that be nice? FWICT it would start the container
> with wrong and unexpected setup.

It would make the scenario of starting an unmanaged image without explicit
parameters work.

When using the 'create CT' button in the web UI, PVE/LXC/Setup.pm will
auto-detect the ostype. When it fails to detect the ostype, like will be the
case for a 'raw' image that should be run unmanaged, it dies. When
instead of dying it would assume 'unmanaged', this would work for such
'raw' images. Indeed if it was an image that needs to be run 'managed'
this change would make it fail later rather than earlier.

While I agree failing early is generally good practice, here running the
image 'unmanaged' when no OS was detected seems like a more
optimistic choice, as it fixes the 'raw unmanaged image' scenario.

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