
I have made some changes to the message template code I've been working on:

Very cool! :-)

1. Transformed the code into a message template parser
   - changed the file name to message_template_parser
- put the code that previously made a dict into a class called MessageTemplateParser

2. Transformed the previously called "Packet" code into MessageTemplate code (considering each message in the message_template.msg to be a Message Template) - renamed Packet to MessageTemplate, PacketBlock to MessageTemplateBlock, and PacketVariable to MessageTemplateVariable - extracted all the header information for each particular message template and its blocks and put it into the object's fields

3. Nicer formatted printing of the Parsed message template. If you run bin\packets you will see the message_template.msg reprinting from the parser all perty-like.

Some remarks: Should we maybe put all the message_template related stuff into one directory? Maybe we can rename data to message_template and put everything in there. Would IMHO make the package more understandable.

I also see some mix of naming conventions and I wonder if we should use the standard python naming conventions as defined in PEP8:


Basically that means for naming:

- module names should be lowercase without underscores (and not too long)
- package names should be lowercase, underscores it it helps readability
- class names are CamelCase, no underscores
- function and method names are lowercase and underscores for readability

There is much more in there according to indentation and we maybe all should read it.

Using this would have the benefit of not needing to write down our own coding style and other developers should be already familiar with it.

I also would check my code for things which need change then.

Next to do:
1. Store the size of the block variables, not just their type NAMES. We need this to read and build messages. This should be done at template parsing time and not when building our reading.

One idea might be to use the same serialization/deserialization pattern as for everything else, just that those packets will serialize into those UDP packets instead of LLSD.
The pattern basically is to use an adapter like this:

packet = SomePacket()
serializer = ISerialization(packet)
return serializer.serialize()

Then the actual parser code would be pluggable and we can write a method which encapsulates these calls (probably in some main handler) to save some lines of code.

2. Create MessageReader
- Move over the functionality in message_template.py into this class (such as decodeNum, decodeFrequency) - Use size stored in block variables to read from a buffer and store it into the variable

3. Create MessageBuilder
- Move over functionality in message_template.py into this class (such as encodeHeader) - Use the size stored in the block variables to write data into the variable buffer

These basically could be those adapters.

4. Write Message classes that mimic the Message Template classes, but will be used to actually create a packet (probably later on, not soon)
   - eg: MessageData, MessageBlockData, MessageVariableData

5. Write tests for all the newly created classes

Shouldn't this be step 0? ;-)

But looks great so far, looking forward to actually use it :-)

-- Christian

Christian Scholz                         video blog: http://comlounge.tv
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