On Thu, 16 Sep 2004 05:18:25 -0700, David Boddie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, 15 Sep 2004 13:54:04, Timothy Grant wrote:
> > I have QListView that connects to a context menu (QPopupMenu) and
> > passes the item(s) to my showPopup method.
> >
> > The QActions that populate the QpopupMenu then call their own
> > processing methods.
> You might need to post some code that shows what you're doing.
> > My problem is that I don't know how to pass the QListViewItem(s) from
> > my showPopup method further down the call chain so that say the
> > editMethod knows which items need to be edited.
> >
> > I guess consisely put it is "How do I pass state data along the Event
> > call chain?"
> With signals and slots you can find out which object emitted the signal
> by calling self.sender() in the slot that receives it. You might be able
> to record this somewhere visible to your editMethod, although you don't
> say which object would have this method.
> If you post some fairly concise example code, we can probably work something
> out.
> David

OK, here is some *seriously* cut down code that probably doesn't even
work at the moment but which I hope illustrates the problem.

There are two comments in the code showing what I'd like to accomplish

class ContextPopupMenu(QPopupMenu):
    def __init__(self, *args):
        apply(QPopupMenu.__init__, (self,) + args)

        self.editAction = QAction(self)
        self.editAction.setStatusTip('Edit Stuff')

    def showMenu(self, item, pos):
        #item is very useful here

class VagabondWindow(QMainWindow):
    def __init__(self, library, *args):
        apply(QMainWindow.__init__, (self,) + args)

        self.context_menu = ContextPopupMenu()

        self.list = DetailList(self)

                     SIGNAL('contextMenuRequested(QListViewItem *,
const QPoint &, int)'),


    def edit(self):
        print "editing"
        #how do I get item down here?

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