On 28 February 2017 at 06:29, Tim Sutton <t...@kartoza.com> wrote:
> Hi
> I would also like to see a nice cohesive theme designed. I have seen in the 
> past that you referenced LibreOffice as an example we could follow. IMHO 
> their theme is really bad - from both as aesthetic point of view and from a 
> functional point of view:
> https://www.libreoffice.org/assets/Uploads/Discover/LO52-Screenshots/lo52-writer-02.png

Oh - I'm not a huge fan of libreoffice's either!

Both Mathieu and I very much like the direction of this icon style:

There's a single highlight color used to disambiguate similar icons,
plus a red color used to highlight dangerous actions. I'd say this is
a good compromise - we still need to be able to easily differentiate
between "add ring" and "add part", but this highlight color could be
configurable to work with different themes (eg night mapping).

> The icons are overladen with many small details and too many discordant 
> colours. When I was in Singapore a year or two back, I met up with Ganesh 
> Shanmugam, a local QGIS service provider there. Ganesh had built a customised 
> version of QGIS for use in schools and showed it off to me. One thing I 
> really like is the way they used the same accent colour per toolbar. For 
> example all File icons would get e.g. a red accent, all layer green, and so 
> on. It makes it really easy to:
> a) find a toolbar even when on a strange computer where things are arranged 
> differently and
> b) give someone instructions : "click on the third icon from the left in the 
> red tinted toolbar"
> In Gandesh's implementation, they actually coloured the toolbar background, 
> but I think it would also be nice if we rather used the accent colour (so 
> two-tone instead of monochrome) in the icons. Ganesh maybe you could share a 
> link to a screenie?
> Anyway just my 2c to the debate.

Interesting idea! My immediate thoughts are that this could detract
from the goal of "toning down" the interface, so it'd need to be done
very subtly. But it's worth exploring!

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