Hi all.

I recently upgraded my QGIS to 1.7. Previously using QGIS 1.6.
Now i cant load postgis layers from the same server as i used previously.
The problem occurs when i select a layer in the postgis connection and try
to add this.

For instance when trying to add the cshapes dataset i get this error:

Unable to access the "public"."cshapes" relation.

The error message from the database was:

ERROR: Unknown geometry type: 65536 - Unknown


SQL: select * from "public"."cshapes" limit 1

Then i get a 'Invalid Layer' box which tells me that the cshapes layer is
invalid and cannot be added to QGIS.

This happens with all of the 400 tables i have stored on my PostGIS server.

Any ideas why this happens?

Thanks in advance.

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