Hi Everybody, this is a gentle reminder that the Call for nominations at


will close January 9th 2019 at midnight (GMT).


On 31.12.18 13:02, Marco Bernasocchi wrote:
> Hi Everybody, we have had very few answers on this extremely important
> topic.
> Please make it your new years vow to vote as soon as possible. I'll let
> the Call for nominations link (below) open until January 9th 2019.
> Meanwhile I wish everyone in the name of the whole PSC a happy new year
> with a lot of contributions to QGIS :)
> Ciao
> Marco
> On 18.12.18 10:15, Marco Bernasocchi wrote:
>> Dear QGIS Community
>> This is a call for nominations for new QGIS community voting members.
>> Please read the instructions carefully and establish your eligibility to
>> vote which I repeat here for your convenience:
>> "Only community members with commit rights to an official QGIS git
>> repository or with write access in transifex are eligible to make
>> nominations.”
>> The nomination form is here.
>> https://goo.gl/forms/Lfk1VBDKlRAOrWYq1
>> Incoming community voting members will be selected based on the number
>> of nominations they receive. The above form will close on 30 December 2018.
>> If you play an organisational role (e.g. documentation lead, translation
>> lead), please forward this email to your committers.
>> A larger version of the diagram included in the form is also available here:
>> https://drive.google.com/file/d/12qPHUjvPv5CMpZKSWHwr65DG-YOZsub1/view?usp=sharing
>> If you have any questions about the process please do not hesitate to
>> contact me.
>> Thank you,
>> Regards Marco
Marco Bernasocchi

QGIS.org Co-chair

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