Ah, interesting. Thanks Nyall. This raises the question of whether the
variable names related to Atlas need to be renamed (or duplicated) to
reflect their applicability to both reports and atlas. Perhaps you've
already had discussions?

On Mon, Jan 7, 2019 at 3:56 PM Nyall Dawson <nyall.daw...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tue, 8 Jan 2019 at 07:39, Spencer Gardner <spencergard...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >
> > I'm using QGIS3 to create a report. One of my tasks is to display only
> features in a map layer that match the current iterated feature in the
> report. To be specific, my report body is set to iterate over a "stations"
> layer and I have an layer of intersection points where an intersection
> should only be displayed if it is associated the the current station (via
> an attribute called "station_name").
> >
> > With Atlas, this could be done by setting the atlas page name to
> "station_name" from the stations layer and then setting symbology on the
> intersections layer using
> >     "station_name" = @atlas_pagename.
> > Is there a comparable solution for a report? I don't see any relevant
> variables.
> Use @atlas_feature, e.g.
> attribute(@atlas_feature, 'STATION_NAME') = "STATION_NAME"
> This takes the STATION_NAME attribute value from the current
> atlas/report feature, and compares it against the station_name
> attribute from your "stations" layer. Be careful of the quoting here
> -- the first field name, in the attribute function, is a string
> literal so uses single quotes. The value you are comparing against is
> a field reference, so needs double quotes.
> Nyall
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