
Just tested on 3.26.3 on a brand new install (Windows 11 and all).  I confirm that this is a problem.  I would do a bug report. This should not be an option. Layout opens at 5.7% even when saved at 100%.


Le 2022-11-02 à 4:42 p.m., Tony Shepherd (FarmMaps NZ) a écrit :

Hi Nicolas

Yes, I too had those issues with MapInfo and AutoCAD in a previous life.  This is a stock standard QGIS layout, just a normal A4 and A3 layout, both either portrait or landscape.

Any saved project, or any new project.  Add a layout or two that contain the normal layout elements (map window(s), scale bars, free text, attribute table etc).  All elements are within the “page”. Close everything, open that saved project file, open the layout or layouts, and the first view you get of that layout is a small view (say 20% or so).  Then press the View Extents button and then it zooms to the extent as expected.  So that tells me if there was an element placed in a strange place within the layout then zooming to the extents would then make that rogue element obvious, so in my case, I am sure that is not the reason.

I think it would be a good feature that when saving a project, the layout will open at the same view scale as when the project was saved, or perhaps have a flag that allows you to set a default layout zoom scale.

It seems to me that in V3.26, when using any project file old or new, the layouts seem to open at a much smaller zoom scale than previous version.



*Tony Shepherd**|*  GeoSpatial / Mapping Manager

*Ph*027 435 6193 *|**E* t...@farmmaps.nz <mailto:t...@farmmaps.nz> *|**W* shepherdphotos.co.nz <http://shepherdphotos.co.nz/>

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*From:*Nicolas Cadieux <njacadieux.git...@gmail.com>
*Sent:* Thursday, 3 November 2022 1:30 am
*To:* Tony Shepherd (FarmMaps NZ) <t...@farmmaps.nz>
*Cc:* Qgis Users List <qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org>
*Subject:* Re: [Qgis-user] Opening a layout in "Zoom full" view


I have not experienced this yet in QGIS.  Is it in all of your projects or just one?  It could be related to a certain file.  In the past, I have had this problem with AutoCAD and Mapinfo.  It was usually related to a file having  objects around the 0,0 coordinate, (way off the normal coordinate system of the file).  Have you checked the individual file extents?

Nicolas Cadieux


    Le 1 nov. 2022 à 16:08, Tony Shepherd (FarmMaps NZ) via Qgis-user
    <qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org> a écrit :


    Hi All

    Maybe a silly question, but not one that I could easily find an
    answer to.

    Is there a way to set QGIS so that when it opens an existing
    layout that it automatically displays it in “Zoom full” mode or
    maybe set a flag somewhere that when you save the project the
    current layout zoom is retained so that on re-opening it pops back
    to how it was last displayed?

    V3.26 seems to behave so that whenever I open a previously saved
    layout it is about the size of a postage stamp and I have to press
    the “Zoom full” button, regardless of how I last saved it.




    *Tony Shepherd**|*  GeoSpatial / Mapping Manager

    *Ph*027 435 6193 *|**E* t...@farmmaps.nz <mailto:t...@farmmaps.nz>
    *|**W* shepherdphotos.co.nz <http://shepherdphotos.co.nz/>





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