Hello list,


first: best wishes for a peaceful 2023 to everyone!


I often have to process shapefiles that come with a prj file including the
„Authority: ESRI 102328“ statement (complete content of that file see

This .prj is processed wrong by QGIS 3.28, because QGIS sets the false
easting to 2.500.000 (which has to be 500.000) and it interpretes the
projection as „7 Stellen = decimal places“ which is „6 Stellen“ in fact.


Can I change the way QGIS interpretes the .prj-File? It is annoying to
change the projection setting for every single shapefile I load in the
legend for each new shape delivery. In ESRI-Software, the .prj is being read


Here is the complete .prj which is being interpreted wrong:




Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Uwe Fischer


Ingenieurbüro Fischer

Esbecker Str. 8

31036 Eime

T. 05182/8325

T. 0172/8876934


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