Hi All;
I am having trouble bringing a geospatial  sql view into qgis using the
add  mssql  server layer dialogue.

I have a geospatial view that was created from two tables in a separate
One of the two tables has a geospatial field. This table can be brought
into qgis without issues using the add mssql server layer dialogue
The combined view can be viewed spatially in server management studio with
no errors.
I can see the view in the mssql server layer dialogue and it displays as a
spatial table.
However when I try to filter the layer nothing happens, ie the filter
dialogue does not appear.
When i try to add the layer without filtering i get the following error:

dbname='dbase' service='dbase' user='user' password='pasword' srid=28351
type=Point disableInvalidGeometryHandling='1'
primaryKeyInGeometryColumns='0' table="dbo"."view" (SP_geometry) is an
invalid layer - not loaded
I connect to the sql server using sql server authentication, which I have
checked the password etc for several times and is correct.
I can also open the view via the add vector layer - database odbc route as
a non spatial table.

I assume that I am missing a step to make the geospatial aspect of the view
compatible with qgis?

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
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