Follow the following SuperBASIC programme to the BEST Weekend you've experienced in a long time:

10 HAVE YOU HEARD??? (OK, so it's rude to shout but I wanted EVERYONE to hear me!)

20        QL IS 21 and so is QUANTA

25        If you've not heard THEN GOTO 10: Else: GOTO 30

30 The committee of QUANTA invites YOU ALL to a Workshop and Celebratory Dinner to mark this unique occasion.

40 The Workshop ill be held at the Ibis Hotel on Winston Churchill Avenue, PORTSMOUTH, PO1 2LX on Saturday and Sunday, October 29/30th 2005 starting at 10.00 on Saturday. This is your opportunity to bring yourself up to date with the QL developments in both hardware and software. It is also your opportunity to meet some of the people who have made it all happen in the past couple of decades and you can even sit down to dinner with them on Saturday evening - at the Ibis - when we will be holding our Celebratory Dinner.

50        Want to know more?

60 Visit one of the web sites: and click anywhere on the QL is 21 banner
OR do a Google Search for "QL is 21" and you'll be surprised at the number of information sites available to you

70 In addition to this, the QUANTA committee members are offering an individual information service either by email or by phone so there is no reason that anyone should feel left out.

80 The Dinner Table is filling up nicely so if you would like to join us and our guests, just send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or ring John Gilpin on 0161-865 2872 and a place will be reserved for you. £10.00 reserves your place and the full price £18.00 is payable by 14.00 on the Saturday at the Ibis.

90 This invitation is open to ALL who are interested in the QL - NOT just Quanta members

100      HAVE YOU HEARD?

110 If You've Not Heard THEN GOTO 10: ELSE Pick up the phone NOW

120 See you ALL in Portsmouth on Saturday/Sunday 29/30th October 2005

End of Programme listing.

Note to all you experienced SBASIC programmers - please excuse any syntax and line indent errors.

Regards to all,

John Gilpin
Quanta Treasurer on behalf of all the QUANTA Committee.

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