In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, John Gilpin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes

Follow the following SuperBASIC programme to the BEST Weekend you've experienced in a long time:

10 HAVE YOU HEARD??? (OK, so it's rude to shout but I wanted EVERYONE to hear me!)

20        QL IS 21 and so is QUANTA

25        If you've not heard THEN GOTO 10: Else: GOTO 30

30 The committee of QUANTA invites YOU ALL to a Workshop and Celebratory Dinner to mark this unique occasion.


Nice advert John ... although I guess only those people brought up on the syntax of 21 years ago would recognise it ... :-)

Do modern computer users do any programming any more ?

Or is it all web pages, video clips and MP3 downloads ... ?

Malcolm Cadman
QL-Users Mailing List

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