On  Tue, 8 May 2001 at 12:01:04, you wrote:
(ref: <002101c0d7ae$51e94fa0$18a86fd4@o5e1c0>)

>Ian has said -
>I can't remember the exact name
>of the book - something like "The Indispensable PC Hardware Book" or
>words to that effect.
>A book I have found very useful in the ports-and-pins arena is -
>I have the 2nd edition - Michael Tooley [well he is a 'hardware' man]1989.
>RS 232C/CCITT V24 is described in great detail on p184ff
>However, in the special realm of our world beating QL ports, nothing in my
>experience is better than Tony's advice.  Every such e-mail is archived.
No need to cc me - it just means I have to delete the duplicate copy
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