On  Thu, 2 Aug 2001 at 00:11:36,  Richard Zidlicky wrote:

>On Wed, Aug 01, 2001 at 03:17:30PM +0200, Marcel Kilgus wrote:
>> Richard Zidlicky wrote:
>> >> The price is about 260 FF ( that 25 £, or 40 Ecus/Euros).
>> >> Is-it normal price, or can any of the dealer provide me with a
>> >> cheaper and warranted solution
>> > seems like a good price. Also the relatively low price means it
>> > probably won't contain any of the horrors mentioned above ;)
>> Cheap? On ebay I've just seen some second hand ISA controllers,
>> non-pnp, configurable with jumpers for less than 1 euro. Including p&p
>> and money-back guarantee if it doesn't work.
>> I'd suggest looking at the second hand market. For 40 euros you can
>> get dozens of cards.
>with *double* IDE controllers? They are hardly available, both
>second hand and new. The price for new ones can be very steep..
>we would be glad if we had a good supply for 40 euros each.
Ah sorry - I must have misread.  The CPC one I mentioned are single IDE
of curse.
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