On 19 Mar 1999, Scott Schwartz wrote:

> Robin Bowes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> | How is the shell used by .qmail files determined?
> Hardcoded as /bin/sh.
> % grep /bin/sh *.c
> qmail-local.c:     args[0] = "/bin/sh"; args[1] = "-c"; args[2] = prog; args[3] = 0;
> qmail-local.c:     strerr_die3x(111,"Unable to run /bin/sh: ",error_str(errno),". 
> | The reason I ask is that I was using { } brackets to group commands, eg:
> | | { echo "To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]"; cat - } | qmail-inject
> You need a ";" before the "}".


[root@hades ~]# /bin/sh -c '{ echo foo; echo bar }'

No trailing ; needed..?

/ Joel Eriksson

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