Never doubt DJB.

Foolish, foolish boy. :)

Reid Sutherland
Network Administrator
ISYS Technology Inc.
Fingerprint: 1683 001F A573 B6DF A074  0C96 DBE0 A070 28BE EEA5

-----Original Message-----
From: Russell Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, January 07, 1999 11:52 PM
Subject: I was wrong.

>A week or so ago, I argued that Dan Bernstein could and should have
>done more to help Redhat ship qmail.  I thought about it some more,
>and I was wrong.  I think the right principle to apply is the same one
>applied to traffic accidents: the last person who could have prevented
>the accident is at fault.  Redhat burned the master CD, and could have
>put smail or exim on it.  They didn't, so the fault is all their own,
>and not Dan's.  I'm sorry I said it was yours, Dan.
>-russ nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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