On Tue, 20 Apr 1999, Harald Hanche-Olsen wrote:

> + "Robert J. Adams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> | Is it possible to have two machines accessing the same queue via NFS?
> No!  Your single copy of qmail-send assumes it is the only entity
> making any changes in the queue (with the exception of qmail-queue,
> which does however follow a specific protocol for inserting new
> messages).  Break that assumption, and you're breaking qmail.
> You should always have the queue on a local disk anyway, for
> reliability as well as efficiency considerations.

Amen.  You can use an NFS filestore for mail drops if you use Maildir, but
definitely not the queue.  You'd run a very high risk of corrupting
messages in the queue if you NFS'd it across machines.


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