Somewhere in internet land there is a Web Server called:

The web server stuff is working fine.

I am trying to turn this server into  mail server as well,
using qmail. I want to send and receive mail from a local
machine using Netscape Navigator's MUA. This has to be done
using an ISP's POP account. Navigator's preferences have  
been set so that the incoming and outgoing mail
servers are <>. I have installed 
qmail on the server as per the instructions (I had to use
<make config-fast> as <make config>
didn't work). 

Starting with this basic setup I have realised that the mail server
must be able to support the POP client talking to it using the SMTP
and POP protocols. Thus from the servers section of the FAQ listing 
at <> I have gone ahead 
and implemented the following:

How do I run qmail-smtpd under tcpserver? 
inetd is barfing at high loads, cutting off 
service for ten-minute stretches. I'd also
like better connection logging.  
How do I allow selected clients to send 
outgoing messages through my SMTP server? 
qmail-smtpd is giving the error ``sorry,
that domain isn't in my list of allowed 
rcpthosts (#5.7.1)'' for messages to any 
domain not listed in
How do I set up qmail-pop3d? My old POP 
server works with mbox delivery; I'd like 
to switch to maildir delivery. 

I have verified that I have probably done the above correctly
by sending some mail to an outside user from my local version
of netscape. Thus I'm happy with the sending/relaying/SMTP side
of things. Note that as my local IP address is allocated
dynamically I had to make things pretty open in the /etc/tcp.smtp
file. I have guessed that the local address I get assigned will
be in the range 210.8.*.

Now comes the part where I'm a bit stuck, the receiving/POP3/
serialmail/AutoTURN side of things. I am about to try and
implement (from the FAQ again):

How do I send messages by SMTP to an 
authorized dialup host when it makes 
an SMTP connection? I've heard about 
ETRN and AutoTURN. 

To do this you simply install serialmail and follow the instructions
given in the AUTOTURN text file. The trouble is that these
instructions are not really pertinent to my situation. This file
starts off:

Situation: You are big.isp. You have assigned a 
static IP address, say, to a dialup customer. 
The customer would like you to receive mail for 
virt.dom and forward it to whenever makes an SMTP connection to mail.big.isp.
The first problem I have with this statement and the instructions 
that follow it is that it assumes a static IP address which I do
not have. This IP address becomes hard coded into various file 
names and their contents. The second problem, which is possibly
not a show-stopper at this stage, is that I want to test receiving
mail for before I worry about
virtual domains and try to receive mail for

Can anyone help with the first problem? Am I stuck? Do I need to
find an ISP that will give me a static IP address each time I
log in?

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