At 09:38 PM Wednesday 4/28/99, Pike wrote:
>I wish I had read a mail like this before I started installing qmail on my
>which is exactly why I'm writing it. Call it frustration.

>Qmail claims it's a replacement for sendmail.
>They say 'after installing, read the docs,there are some minor differences'
>:-) LOL! But beware. That's vaporware.

Yeah. Fancy having to do some real homework prior to replacing a fundamental 
application that probably impacts a whole organisation. That's the pits 
isn't it? Next thing you know employers will only want to pay the competent 
responsible system administrators rather than the download-install-complain 
mob that seem to dominate sysadmin work these days.

But wait! It gets worse. Very soon now sysadmins may not even think of 
inflicting such a change on their user base prior to a professionally 
conducted impact analysis.

Let's just hope you don't wheel out the tiresome "I didn't know" line as 
ignorance of your ignorance is the original sin when it comes right down to it.


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