Russell Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Rask Ingemann Lambertsen writes:
>  > Most other anti-spam measures have a technical
>  > foundation...Blocking dialups doesn't. IMHO, it comes dangerously
>  > close to racism.
>'s a reasonable prejudice, since all of the non-relayed spam I
> get comes from dialups.

And all the crime I've experienced was perpetrated by "those people."
That's why I ready my pepper spray whenever one of "them" comes near

> Not all prejudice is bad.

True, but even factually-based prejudice, when based on _correlation_
rather than _causation_, is mighty risky business.


A false witness shall not be unpunished, and he that speaketh lies
shall perish. --Proverbs 19:9

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