On Thu, Jul 22, 1999 at 10:36:20AM -0400, Eric Davis wrote:

Make an entry for that host in virtualdomains, and redirect the email into
a Maildir, eg:


Then in ~alias/.qmail-example-default, put:


and make a maildir, eg:

su alias -c 'maildirmake ~alias/example'

Finally, because example.com's mail is marked as remote, put an entry into
control/smtproutes like this:


Make sure localhost is allowed to relay. Then send a HUP signal to

Now all emails for example.com will collect in ~alias/example/ and you can
use maildirsmtp to serially dispatch these emails to them.

> Is there a way to control how many messages are put into the
> outbound queue for a mail site?  For example, I have a client
> with over 300 messages in the outbound queue, and I am not
> sending to anyone else because they are monopolizing the out-
> bound mail queue.
> Thank you in advance...
> -Eric Davis

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