Hello Kind List,

I know this has been asked before, but couldn't come up with anything in
the archives.

This is for a system with about 5000 users. 

I've got a perl script which will deliver the message to every user on
the system who has a Maildir. But can't figure out the best mechanism
for injecting the message.

- Mailsubj would work beautifully, but the message won't arrive to the
users with anything other than a [EMAIL PROTECTED] It needs to arrive
with a friendly name, Director.

- Copying a file into everyones Maildir works, but doing that gives me
screwy line lengths and the date of the message upon arrival seems iffy.

- qmail-inject, incorporating qmail-inject into the script seems clumsy

The server I'm doing this on has ezmlm installed. But I haven't
investigated this as an option.


thx - eric
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Spark Sistemas
   - presentado por IWCC Argentina S.A.
   Tel: 4702-1958
   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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