Matthew Harrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Okay, I'm trying to pull even more out of my qmail box.  It's a dual P2 450
>with 256 MB of RAM and the following qmail configuration:
>        qmail with fsync's removed
>        concurrencyremote set to 120
>        big-todo patch installed
>        using cyclog and not syslog

Do you ever hit 120 qmail-remotes? If so, upping the concurrencyremote 
will help. You'll have to change conf-spawn and rebuild.

>I'll send along vmstat entries if anyone thinks it would help.

Couldn't hurt.

>Any ideas?

You have to locate the bottleneck before you can remove it (and reveal 
the next bottleneck). Why are you only getting 60k msgs/hr? Is it
queue disk I/O? Network bandwidth? Memory (doubtful)? CPU (also


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