
I have a qmail server that is running on a Sun Netra T1
(solaris 2.6). Its receiving about 300-500k emails per day.

Unfortunatly it appears to be dieing a VERY quick death.
The IO loads on the disk are huge and I need up performance
quite a bit. The cpu and memory are fine but disk io is killing
me. I was think about a couple possible solutions and I wanted
your input (since you are qmail experts - at least compared to me:) 

1. add a disk/filesystem for each queue subdirectory to reduce 
   io load


2. create a 1+0 raid of at least 5 drives per stripe, and place 
   the entire queue directory structure on this raid filesystem.
   If possible I will veritasfs instead of ufs for the filesystem
   and an a1000 to hold the drives (hardware raid). 

Which do you think would improve performance better? 
Has anyone done this type of hardware evaulation when it 
comes to qmail? What have you done for your large scale
qmail setups?

Any input would be greatly appriciated.. 

Thanks.. Mike

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