Michael Cunningham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a qmail server that is running on a Sun Netra T1
> (solaris 2.6). Its receiving about 300-500k emails per day.
> Unfortunatly it appears to be dieing a VERY quick death.
> The IO loads on the disk are huge and I need up performance
> quite a bit. The cpu and memory are fine but disk io is killing
> me.

In addition to the other input you've received, you may want to do one or
more of:

-ensure /var/log is on a separate spindle than /var/qmail/queue, possibly
even different controllers
-use 15kRPM spindles for your queue disk(s)

Charles Cazabon                            <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:  http://www.qcc.sk.ca/~charlesc/software/
Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.

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