  I need to convert approx. 170 users from mbox to Maildir format. The users
 have a /var/spool/mail/username as their current imap inbox and
 ~username/mail/multiplefilenames as imap folders. This exists on the old
 server. The new server will be laid out as follows:


 I would like to copy the inbox and all imap folders for each user to a
 staging area on the new server with a single directory for each user, such


 that would contain files such as user1 (inbox from /var/spool/mail), and
 folders such as folder1 folder2 folder3 (from ~username/mail/). The
 conversion script would ideally go through every directory in
 /var/qmail/staging and create the maildir directory in /var/qmail/maildirs
 for each user. It would also take every file in mbox format in the users
 staging directory and put it into his maildir with the appropriate read or
 unread flag, as well as converting all files in the staging directory other
 than the inbox file into the same named folders in their maildirs.

  I would appreciate any advice from administrators who have sucessfully
 performed this same type of conversion. Please copy me personally if you


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