   if all you wanted to do is to look at what is in
the queue you could do what I did (although there are probably
lots of other solutions that I would be interested in hearing).
My solution, as well as the solution to other problems, was to
install Webmin 0.84. There is a third-party Qmail module that you
could add into it (see or for more details).
This way you can view your local and remote queues seperately over a
web browser from anywhere.
    One note: the Qmail module only partly works right "out of the box".
It normally lacks a Perl module that you will need to install seperately
in order to view your queues. The Perl module is:


 hope this helps.

-----Original Message-----
From: Sumith
To: Qmail
Sent: 3/22/01 11:03 PM
Subject: qmail queue

Hello All
Excuse me if this question has been repeated a lot of times...
I've install qmail from memphis rpms. also VPOPMAIL 4.9.8-1
How can I know how many concurrent qmail deliveries are taking place on
my qmail server, both qmail-local and qmail-remote
I have applied the qmail-concurrent-patch, and big-todo-patch
There is no concurrencylocal and concurrencyremote presently in
If the default is 10 for concurrencylocal and 20 for concurrency remote
(which lwq says)....what would be the safe number to increase this to on
my PIII 800 , 512 MB RAM, IDE hard disk handling about 500 virtual
I hope that some one helps me to clear my doubts.

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